Listen to audiobooks while supporting Hartfield Book Co.!
We are proud to offer audiobooks through our partner Libro.fm, the only audiobook provider that let’s you support your local bookstore. Choose from over 100,000+ audiobooks including New York Times Bestsellers. You can easily listen on any device (phone, tablet, PC) as all Libro.fm audiobooks are DRM-free.
Start Exploring at http://libro.fm/hartfield.
Get Your First Audiobook for FREE!
Your first month is FREE and then $14.99 per month when you start a monthly membership. The monthly fee equates to one audiobook credit which you can use at anytime, for any of the 100,000+ audiobooks available on our Libro.fm site.
Start your membership here.
Get Started
Visit libro.fm/hartfield, select your first audiobook to purchase (a-la-carte or through the Libro.fm membership), and follow steps to create an account.
After your purchase, you’ll receive a confirmation email with instructions to download the iOS or Android App, for easy listening on your mobile device.
Start listening. Sign into the app and download your audiobook(s) to your device.